"Drawing is the first of the virtues for a painter. It is everithing; a thing well drawn is always well enough
Hi, welcome to my page. Here you'll learn all about me; my interest and hobbies, the people I know, my family, and more.
I've even included a list of my favorite links to other sites.
name is Abdon J. Romero. I was born in Maracaibo, Venezuela. Right now, I live in Miami, Since 12 years.The reason that i
did this page are many and diffrent. Maybe the most important is talking about art, music,movies, literature, my work,...........
and maybe give some advice or tips about drawing and painting. Many of my students have asked me to do this. this web page
is for them.
All drawings and paintings within this web page are property of Abdon J Romero and are copyrighted. They must not be reproduced
directly or copied for other web pages, reproduction, or for any comercial purpose.
Plate 1,60. Charles Bargue drawing course. Male torso, three-cuarter view. (Torse d'homme, vu de troir quarts.)
The Bargue-Gerome Drawing Course (Cours de dessing) is a famous and fabled publication of the late ninetheenth century. Divided
into three parts, it contains 197 loose-leaf lithographic plates of precise drawings after casts, master drawings, and male
models, all arranged in a somewhat progressive degreeof difficulty.
The course was designed to prepare beginning art students copying these plates to draw from nature, that is, from objects,
both natural and man-made, in the real world.
In the late 1860s, it was still generally assumed that the imitation of the nature was the principal goal of the artist, and
the most important subjet for the artist was the human body. The expression of the subject depited had not been replaced by
Gerald M. Ackerman